Life Coach

Who do I work with?
I work with professional women with high levels of responsibility.
They are managing directors, executives, entrepreneurs, consultants.
They are high achievers and restless, i.e. always busy.
They are expatriates or people with a multicultural background whether they grew up in a mixed environment, came from a family who immigrated to a new country, lived, studied or worked in a foreign country a part of their lives before returning home or people who work with stakeholders with diverse nationalities.
Challenges people are going through when they come to me:
Relationship problems at work, with their manager, their colleagues or any other stakeholders.
Facing relationship issues with their family and they have no work/life balance.
Going through a burnout.
Moving away from who they are.
Not doing do what they like.
Working too much and cannot recharge their batteries.
Giving everything to the company they're working for, forgetting their own projects.
Facing difficulties in their expatriation experience (at a professional or personal level).
Coaching and Mental Fitness can be complementary.
Coaching provides you insights on where you are and where you want to be. Together, we will define a course of personalised actions to help you reach your goals. It makes it possible to relieve your suffering, i.e. to overcome a blockage or an existing difficulty.
Mental Fitness is a simple method that teaches you how to be in command and allow you to prevent blockages and take action. You will learn to respond to life's challenges from a positive mindset and implement long lasting positive change.

Coaching is for when you’re experiencing a challenge that you cannot overcome on your own. I will engage a discussion and ask questions to put my finger on the blockage. It’s an in-depth work that involves communicating with vulnerability. I sometimes share my own experience to give you new perspectives. I de-dramatise the situation: I identify the issues and defuse them.
A training program aiming to build up your core positive brain muscles.
It optimises your ability to respond to life’s challenges from a positive mindset, enabling you to take the right action. You will gain awareness of the negative mechanisms of your mind/brain that don't serve you and no longer allow them to highjack you. You will be in control of your life and know how to overcome challenges and be happier.

Life Coach
I am passionate about helping people realise their true potential and create the life they want.
I support you through a tough decision, a major transition, or help reconnect to what really fulfills you.
My approach is holistic and custom-designed for you. Every session is tailored to the person I'm partnering with.
I hope you found what you were looking for, exploring my website.
If you are ready to take control of your life and head towards your happiness, drop me a line and we'll find a way forward together.
-- Sokuntha --
Paris, France